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With the right equipment, removing the Atmega2560 and soldeering a new one should be pretty straightforward. Once done, you need to make sure that the arduino bootloader is in place.
For this you need a programmer like the AVR Dragon. The connection typically would look like:
This is the wiring connection for the AVR Dragon to the Trigorilla ISP connector:
AVR Dragon ISP (pin) | Trigorilla ISP connector (pin) |
1: MISO | 1: D50 (Mega2560 pin 22) |
2: VTG | 2: +5v |
3: SCK | 3: D52 (Mega2560 pin 20) |
4: MOSI | 4: D51 (Mega2560 pin 21) |
5: RESET | 5 RESET (Mega2560 pin 30) |
6: GND | 6: GND |
For flashing the bootloader, download and install avrdude:
gunzip -c avrdude-6.3.tar.gz | tar xf - cd avrdude-6.0 ./configure make su root -c 'make install'
In /etc/udev/rules.d add (obviously as root user) the following file: 45-atmel.rules
# Atmel Corp. Dragon ATTR{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTR{idProduct}=="2107", MODE="660", GROUP="dialout"
Then reload udev rules with:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
A bootloader can be found in the arduino directory from where you downloaded the arduino IDE itself. The location for Arduino-1.8.5 is:
Original bootloader:
or the newer one that fixes the WDT and the !!! problems1):
avrdude -p m2560 -P usb -c dragon_isp -v
The original command would be:
avrdude -p m2560 -c dragon_isp -P usb -Ulock:w:0x3F:m -Uefuse:w:0xFD:m -Uhfuse:w:0xD8:m -Ulfuse:w:0xFF:m -e -v
But this command will cause avrdude to show an error at the verification step2). To prevent this error, it is recommended to change this command into:
avrdude -p m2560 -c dragon_isp -P usb -Ulock:w:0xFF:m -Uefuse:w:0xFD:m -Uhfuse:w:0xD8:m -Ulfuse:w:0xFF:m -e -v
The reason is that only the lowest 3 bits from the lockbits are used. The other bits don't return any sensible value and causes avrdude to indicate an error. Ideally you would need to use a logical AND to filter for the lowest 3 bits.
avrdude -p m2560 -c dragon_isp -P usb -Uflash:w:stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex:i -Ulock:w:0x0f:m -v
Similarly as in step 2, to prevent an error with the fuse setting at the verification step, change this command in:
avrdude -p m2560 -c dragon_isp -P usb -Uflash:w:stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex:i -Ulock:w:0xcf:m -v
If you get an error like the following with avrdude:
... Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.05s avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0xcf != 0x0f avrdude: verification error; content mismatch ...
You may have to change the fuse setting verification step3). See above for the change.