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Convert mts2flv with applescript and ffmpeg
This applescript below will per drag and drop convert mts files to flv using ffmpeg
The scripts can be downloaded here: ffmpeg is already stored in the following directory:
For alternatives to quicktime, see here:
Manual installation
- Save the applescript, named mts2flv, from below to a directory. In Applescript editor save as Application
- Copy ffmpeg into the following subdirectory of the applescript directory:
- If not, make ffmpeg executable with:
chmod +x ffmpeg
-- This droplet processes both files or folders of files dropped onto the applet on open (these_items) repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items set this_item to (item i of these_items) set the item_info to info for this_item if folder of the item_info is true then process_folder(this_item) -- else if (alias of the item_info is false) and (the name extension of the item_info is "mts") then else if (alias of the item_info is false) then process_item(this_item) end if end repeat end open -- this sub-routine processes folders on process_folder(this_folder) set these_items to list folder this_folder without invisibles repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items set this_item to alias ((this_folder as text) & (item i of these_items)) set the item_info to info for this_item if folder of the item_info is true then process_folder(this_item) -- else if (alias of the item_info is false) and (the name extension of the item_info is "pdf") then else if (alias of the item_info is false) then process_item(this_item) end if end repeat end process_folder -- this sub-routine processes files on process_item(this_item) -- NOTE that the variable this_item is a file reference in alias format set full_path to the POSIX path of this_item try set ffmpeg_location to quoted form of POSIX path of (path to resource "ffmpeg") -- ffmpeg binary location tell application "Finder" set x to path to me set y to name of file x as text end tell -- from display alert "Processing ..." message "Processing file " & this_item giving up after 1 with timeout of 27000 seconds do shell script ffmpeg_location & " -i " & quoted form of full_path & " -vcodec flv -f flv -r 25 -s 800x450 -aspect 16:9 -b:v 2000k -g 160 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -mbd 2 -trellis 2 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 256k " & quoted form of full_path & ".flv" end timeout on error the error_message number the error_number display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message end try end process_item on getFileName(thefile) set {oldDelims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {":"}} set mytextfilename to last text item of (thefile as text) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims return mytextfilename end getFileName
software/mts2flv.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/15 15:59 by admin