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Please see for the source code below.


The program has been written for and tested on a Microsoft Windows XP system with the script language autoit3. In order to function it needs to cooperate with a few other applications, which need to be installed as well. These are Ghostscript and ImageMagick.
NB 1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 should be installed due to incompatibility issues with the script.
NB 2. During installation of ImageMagick you have to enable manually the option “Install ImageMagickObject: OLE Control for VBscript, Visual Basic, and WSH.”

Download and install following files:

Once all files have been downloaded and installed, finally download:

  • The application pdf2tif_300dpi: pdf2tif_300dpi.exe
  • Either use drag and drop with your (single) pdf file onto the exe, or add the file as argument.

Source code

Please note: the code is as is. No warranty is given, nor any support.

; pdf2tif_300dpi, simple extract pdf to tiff accurately for further processing
; Copyright (C) Februari 2010 by Marc Nijdam
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program.  If not, see <>
; Contact details:

#requireadmin ; This program should have proper rights to start external applications. Presumably this behaviour requires user admin rights

#include <Constants.au3> ; Used for registry constants like REG_SZ, REG_DWORD etc.
#include <Process.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <Math.au3>
#Include <String.au3>

Const $ThisProgramVersion = "0.3" ; Current release of this software
Const $ThisProgramName = "pdf2tif" ; full filename without spaces and without exe extension

; Dependencies constants
Const $Ghostscript_name = "gs\gs" ; unique string to search for in %PATH% whether Ghostscript is installed or not
Const $Ghostscript_RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" ; registry path for Ghostscript
Const $imagemagick_name = "imagemagick" ; unique string to search for in %PATH% whether ImageMagick is installed or not
Const $imagemagick_RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" ; registry path for ImageMagick

; Requires Imagemagick installation from (See over there. Choose the dynamic, 16 bit images version)
; Path environment variable should be pointing to imagemagick, (default installation will add this to the %PATH% environment variable, which is persistant)
; If not there, this script adds the following temporarily: %PROGRAMFILES%\imagemagick
; This program requires Ghostscript, which may be installed through Photoscore. (change xx with your version)
; Path environment variable should be pointing to: %PROGRAMFILES%\gs\gs8.xx\bin;%PROGRAMFILES%\gs\gs8.xx\lib
; This solve a R6034 (AutoIt3 related) error:
; Nb.:
; Write an environment variable: EnvSet ( "envvariable" [, "value"] )
; ControlClick($parentWindowName,"ViewPages", ,2, 12, 81)
; $CmdLine[0] = number of parameters
; $CmdLine[1] = first parameter
; Current temporary filename: pdf2tif00000_etcetera

; Error constants
Const $_ERROR_MissingImageMagickObject = -1
Const $_ERROR_PdfInputFileIsNotValid = -2
Const $_ERROR_ShowHelp = -3
Const $_ERROR_PdfImageSizeTooLarge = -4
Const $_ERROR_CannotFindGhostscript = -5
Const $_ERROR_imagemagickNotInstalled = -6
Const $_ERROR_MSVisualCPlusPlus2008RedistNotInstalled = -7
Const $_ERROR_PDF_FileInconsistent = -8

; Gui constants
Const $Gui_Title = $ThisProgramName
Dim $nEdit

; tif and pdf constants
Const $resolution = FindResolution(@ScriptName) ; Extract resolution from scriptfile name. All Files and all pages within a batch should have the same resolution.
Const $rastering = 72 ; PDF rastering value
Const $img_width = ($resolution/3)*(2480/100); 2480 for a4, constant in pixels, defining what the page width may be at most when portrait modus is used
Const $img_height = ($resolution/3)*(3508/100) ; 3508 for a4, constant in pixels, defining what the page height may be at most when portrait modus is used
Const $pdfdims[2] = [String(Int(($rastering*$img_width/$resolution)+0.5)),String(Int(($rastering*$img_height/$resolution)+0.5))] ; Array holding pdf rastering sizes a4 should be 595x842
Const $bitmaperror = int($resolution/300) ; To compensate for apparant errors during rasterization of pdf files with ghostscript, a deviation of 1 pixel per 300 dpi will use some quantization
Const $tif = ".tif" ; File extensie voor tif files
Const $ps = ".ps" ; File extensie voor ps files
Const $pdf = ".pdf" ; File extensie voor pdf files

; program specific constants
Const $Delay=400 ; Short waiting time necessary to retreive console output.
Const $tempname = @TempDir & "\" & $ThisProgramName & String(StringFormat("%05s",  @AutoItPID )) ; Unique name for temporary files
Const $QQ = '"'
Dim $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt
Dim $i , $j, $k
; ######################################################################################################
; # main
; ######################################################################################################

CheckAndSetEnv() ; Check dependencies and set environment variables
GarbageControl($ThisProgramName) ; Cleanup temporary files in $TempDir, but only if no other instances of this program are running.

; Iterate through all via the command line or per 'drag and drop' supplied files
Const $NumberOfFiles = CountNumberOfFiles($CmdLine[0]) ; Count and Check whether there are any files supplied
$nEdit = CreateGUI($ThisProgramName) ; Create window with info
Dim $CurrentFile
Dim $TotalPages ; Counted pdf pages for each document
For $i = 1 to $NumberOfFiles
	$CurrentFile = CurrentFile($i) ; Use function to enable -during debugging- a preset file when no file is supplied

	GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "###### Processing file " & String($i) & " of " & String($NumberOfFiles) & " ######" & @CRLF, 1)
	GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "Current file: " & RemovePath($CurrentFile) & @CRLF & @CRLF, 1)
	GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "Analyzing document..." & @CRLF, 1)

	$TotalPages = Number(CountPdfPages($CurrentFile,$tempname))
	If $TotalPages == 0 Then
		GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "->Found 0 pages, skipping this file." & @CRLF & @CRLF, 1)
		GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "->Found " & $TotalPages & " Page(s)" & @CRLF, 1)
		For $j = 1 to $TotalPages
			GUICtrlSetData($nEdit, "-->Extracting page " & String($j) & " out of " & String($TotalPages) & @CRLF, 1)
			ExtractPageAsTifgray($CurrentFile, $j, $resolution) ; Convert single pdf page to tif, retreive page dimensions


; ######################################################################################################
; # Below are functions
; ######################################################################################################
; Return file to process. When not compiled, return a here below set file.
Func CurrentFile(Const $ArgIndex)
	If @Compiled == 1 Then Return $CmdLine[$ArgIndex] ; @Compiled is 1 if script is a compiled executable
;	Return "test_GS_NotA4_IM_AlmostA4.pdf"
;	Return "a4_2480x3508BWtest.pdf"
;	Return "test_4_pages_oversized_grey.pdf"
;	Return "test_size-error-2481x3507.pdf"
;	Return "test_2_pages_landscape.pdf"
;	Return "test_4_pages_oversized_grey.pdf"
;	Return "buggyfile_2pages_instead_of_18pages.pdf"
    Return "test_largeBW.pdf"

; Convert accurately a single page from a pdf file into a bitmap tif
; For each page:
;     GS_Get_PDF_BoundingBoxes()
;     BoundingBox=[lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y] ; if not available, get [0,0,0,0]
;     HiResBoundingBox=[lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y] ; if not available, get [0,0,0,0]
;     When gswin32c outputs error text, indicate with 1, otherwise 0
;     A4Quantization=False
;     If HiResBoundingBox(lower left x + upper right x, lower left y + upper right y) < BoundingBox(lower left x + upper right x, lower left y + upper right y) Then
;        If -1 < Pixel Error < 1 Then
;           A4Quantization=True
;        EndIf
;     Else
;        gswin32c -sDEVICE=tiffgray -r300 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dGrayImageFilter=/LZWEncode -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=output.tif input
;        IM_Get_Image_Dimension()
;        If -1 < Pixel Error < 1 Then
;           If IM_Get_PDF_BoundingBox() == 595x842 OR IM_Get_PDF_BoundingBox() == 842x595 Then
;              A4Quantization=True
;           EndIf
;        EndIf
;     EndIf
;     If A4Quantization=True Then
;          gswin32c -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r300 (-g2480x3508|-g3508x2480) -dMaxStripSize=8192 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=output.tif input
;     EndIf
;     Return this_page.pdf
Func ExtractPageAsTifgray(Const $CurrentFile, Const $j, Const $resolution)
	Local $outfile = UniqueFileName(StripExtension($CurrentFile) & "_" & String($j) & $tif)
	Local $GSResults[9], $IMDims[2]
	Local $x, $y, $xx, $yy, $quantize, $command
	Local $pagedims[2] ; String holding page dimensions. With a4 at 300 dpi, it is 2480x3508, with landscape 3508x2480

	$GSResults = GS_Get_PDF_BoundingBoxes($Currentfile, $j, $resolution); Array holding page dimensions from Ghostscript bbox command and error flag
	If $GSResults[8] Then ShowError($_ERROR_PDF_FileInconsistent) ; If ghostscript threw an error, maybe not all pages can be retreived. Stopping now is the best option.

	; Check for portrait or landscape orientation.
	If ($GSResults[0] + $GSResults[2]) < ($GSResults[1] + $GSResults[3]) Then
		$pagedims[0] = $img_width ; page is portrait
		$pagedims[1] = $img_height
		$pagedims[0] = $img_height ; page is landscape
		$pagedims[1] = $img_width

	; Check if quantization with 1 pixel necessary
	If ($GSResults[4] + $GSResults[6]) < ($GSResults[0] + $GSResults[2]) AND _ ; Adding [4] + [6] is not what you would expect when calculating dimensions with coordinates
	   ($GSResults[5] + $GSResults[7]) < ($GSResults[1] + $GSResults[3]) Then ; But either GS or IM is wrong in this. For now it gives accurate results of the page size
		$x = int($resolution/$rastering * ($GSResults[4] + $GSResults[6])+0.5) ; Width in pixels
		$y = int($resolution/$rastering * ($GSResults[5] + $GSResults[7])+0.5) ; height in pixels
		$xx = _Min($x,$y) ; shortest side of image
		$yy = _Max($x,$y) ; widest side of image
		If $xx >= ($img_width-$bitmaperror) AND $xx <= ($img_width+$bitmaperror) AND _ ; 1 pixel error at 300 dpi between 2479 and 2481 pixels.
		   $yy >= ($img_height-$bitmaperror) AND $yy <= ($img_height+$bitmaperror) Then

			$quantize = True
			$Command = "gswin32c " & _ ; convert file to tif, Mind that you should correct the pixel aspect ratio, which is not shown properly within PSCS4
				"-sDEVICE=tiffgray" & " " & _
				"-r" & String($resolution) & " " & _
				"-g" & String($pagedims[0]) & "x" & String($pagedims[1]) & " " & _
				"-dBATCH" & " " & _
				"-dNOPAUSE" & " " & _
				"-dQUIET" & " " & _
				"-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false" & " " & _
				"-dGrayImageFilter=/LZWEncode" & " " & _
				"-dFirstPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
				"-dLastPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
				"-sOutputFile=" & $QQ & $outfile & $QQ & " " & _
				$QQ & $CurrentFile & $QQ
			RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)
	If Not $quantize Then
		$Command = "gswin32c " & _ ; convert file to tif. Use grayscale: If size exceeds a4, then additonal high quality resizing will be necessary
			"-sDEVICE=tiffgray" & " " & _
			"-r" & String($resolution) & " " & _
			"-dBATCH" & " " & _
			"-dNOPAUSE" & " " & _
			"-dQUIET" & " " & _
			"-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false" & " " & _
			"-dGrayImageFilter=/LZWEncode" & " " & _
			"-dFirstPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
			"-dLastPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
			"-sOutputFile=" & $QQ & $outfile & $QQ & " " & _
			$QQ & $CurrentFile & $QQ
		RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)

	$IMDims = IM_Get_Dims($outfile)
	If Not $quantize Then
		$x = $IMDims[0] ; Width in pixels
		$y = $IMDims[1] ; height in pixels
		$xx = _Min($x,$y) ; shortest side of image
		$yy = _Max($x,$y) ; widest side of image
		If $xx >= ($img_width-$bitmaperror) AND $xx <= ($img_width+$bitmaperror) AND _ ; 1 pixel error at 300 dpi between 2479 and 2481 pixels wide.
		   $yy >= ($img_height-$bitmaperror) AND $yy <= ($img_height+$bitmaperror) Then
			$quantize = True
			$Command = "gswin32c " & _ ; convert file to tif
				"-sDEVICE=tiffgray" & " " & _
				"-r" & String($resolution) & " " & _
				"-g" & String($pagedims[0]) & "x" & String($pagedims[1]) & " " & _ ; apparently pages with real sizes of 2481x3507 cannot be forced to 2480x3508 format
				"-dBATCH" & " " & _
				"-dNOPAUSE" & " " & _
				"-dQUIET" & " " & _
				"-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false" & " " & _
				"-dGrayImageFilter=/LZWEncode" & " " & _
				"-dFirstPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
				"-dLastPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
				"-sOutputFile=" & $QQ & $outfile & $QQ & " " & _
				$QQ & $CurrentFile & $QQ
			RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


; find the pdf HiResBoundingBox with ghostscript. GS String: gswin32c -sDEVICE=bbox -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH file
Func GS_Get_PDF_BoundingBoxes(Const $PDFFile, Const $j, Const $resolution)
	Local $line, $GSResult[9], $Command, $Result = ""
	$Command = "gswin32c.exe " & _
			"-sDEVICE=bbox" & " " & _ ; Ghostview command to get details like HiResBoundingBox
			"-dQUIET" & " " & _
			"-dNOPAUSE"& " " & _
			"-dBATCH" & " " & _
			"-dFirstPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
			"-dLastPage=" & Number($j) & " " & _
			$QQ & $PDFFile & $QQ
	Local $console = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
	While 1
		$line = StderrRead($console)
		If @error Then ExitLoop
		$Result = $line
	$GSResult[0] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s)%%BoundingBox:[\s]*([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)(.*)', '$1'))
	$GSResult[1] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s)%%BoundingBox:[\s]*([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)(.*)', '$2'))
	$GSResult[2] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s)%%BoundingBox:[\s]*([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)(.*)', '$3'))
	$GSResult[3] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s)%%BoundingBox:[\s]*([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)(.*)', '$4'))
	$GSResult[4] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s).*HiResBoundingBox:.*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*', '$1'))
	$GSResult[5] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s).*HiResBoundingBox:.*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*', '$2'))
	$GSResult[6] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s).*HiResBoundingBox:.*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*', '$3'))
	$GSResult[7] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Result, '(?s).*HiResBoundingBox:.*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*\s(\d+\.\d+).*', '$4'))
	$GSResult[8] = StringRegExp($Result, '(?s).*error.*')
	Return $GSResult

; find the image dimensions with imagemagick: identify -format "%[fx:w]x%[fx:h]"
Func IM_Get_Dims(Const $CurrentFile)
	Local $line, $this_dims[2], $Result = ""
	Local $Command = "identify " & _
			$QQ & "-format" & $QQ & " " & _ ; Ghostview command to get details like HiResBoundingBox
			$QQ & "%[fx:w]x%[fx:h]" & $QQ & " " & _ ; ImageMagick command to find page dimensions
			$QQ & $CurrentFile & $QQ
	Local $console = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Command, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
	While 1
		$line = StdoutRead($console)
		If @error Then ExitLoop
		$Result = $line
	$this_dims[0] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($result, "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)", "$1")) ; From string holding dimensions (for example "1800x1600") extract first number
	$this_dims[1] = Number(StringRegExpReplace($result, "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)", "$2")) ; From string holding dimensions (for example "1800x1600") extract second number
	Return $this_dims

; Count the number of supplied files and check if this program is invoked through Scite.
Func CountNumberOfFiles(Const $count)
	If @Compiled == 0 Then Return 1 ; When invoking this program from within the Scite compiler, use some preset variables for which file to use
	If $count == 0 Then ShowError($_ERROR_ShowHelp) ; number of parameters
	Return $count

; Extract resolution from scriptfile name with regex, if not specifically specified and less than 300 return 300 (dpi)
Func FindResolution(Const $ProgramFileName)
	Return _Max(Number(StringRegExpReplace(@ScriptName, "(.*)(\D+)(\d+)(dpi|.*)(\.)(.*)", "$3")),300)

; Extract file name from path
Func RemovePath(Const $OutputFile)
	If FileExists(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile)) Then
		Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt
		_PathSplit(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile), $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt)
		Return $szFName & $szExt
		ShowError("Cannot find working directory")

; This function will remove a trailing slash to a windows file path
Func RemoveDoubleQuotes(Const $var)
	Return StringRegExpReplace($var, "^""(.*)""$","$1")

Func ModifyFileName(Const $CurrentFile)
	Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt
	_PathSplit($CurrentFile, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt)
	Return  $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & "_Processed" & $szExt

; Prevent overwriting a file, when it already exists. This function will find the 'first' free filename.
Func UniqueFileName(Const $OutputFile)
	If FileExists(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile)) Then
		Local $i = 1
		Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt
		_PathSplit(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile), $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt)
		While FileExists($szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & "(" & String($i) & ")" & $szExt)
			$i += 1
		Return $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & "(" & String($i) & ")" & $szExt
		Return $OutputFile

; This function will add a trailing slash to a windows file path
Func AddSlash(Const $var)
	Return StringRegExpReplace($var, "(.)\\*$","$1\\")

; Create GUI window with console like output 
Func CreateGUI(Const $ThisProgramName)
	Const $Gui_Xpos = 140
	Const $Gui_Ypos = 23
	Const $Gui_Width = 518
	Const $Gui_Height = 200
	Const $Gui_Border = 15
	Const $Gui_HeightButton = 20
	Const $Gui_WidthButton = 75
	Const $Gui_WidthSlider = 20
	Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1); GUI should be in OnEvent Mode, otherwise our cancelbutton event is not captured
	HotKeySet("{Esc}", "CancelButton"); Pressing the Escape button cancels operation
	GUICreate($Gui_Title,$Gui_Width,$Gui_Height,$Gui_Xpos,$Gui_Ypos)  ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered
	$nEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit ("",$Gui_Border,$Gui_Border,$Gui_Width-$Gui_Border-$Gui_WidthSlider,$Gui_Height-$Gui_Border-2*$Gui_HeightButton, BitOr($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_READONLY,$ES_MULTILINE))
	GUICtrlSetBkColor($nEdit, 0xffffff)
	$hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Cancel", ($Gui_Width-$Gui_WidthButton)/2,$Gui_Height-$Gui_HeightButton*1.5, $Gui_WidthButton, $Gui_HeightButton)
	GUICtrlSetOnEvent($hButton, "CancelButton") ; Function executed when cancel button is pressed
	Return $nEdit

; Strip path and extension
Func StripExtension(Const $OutputFile)
	If FileExists(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile)) Then
		Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt
		_PathSplit(RemoveDoubleQuotes($OutputFile), $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt)
		Return $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName
		ShowError("Cannot find working directory")

Func IndirectDelete(Const $Pdf_ListOfFiles2Proces)
	Local $Handle = FileOpen($Pdf_ListOfFiles2Proces, 0)
	Local $line
	While 1
		$line = FileReadLine($Handle)
		If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
		If FileExists($line) Then FileDelete($line) ; Delete temp file

; Find number of PDF pages in document
Func CountPdfPages(Const $CurrentFile, Const $tempname)
	Local $Command
	$Command =	$QQ & $CurrentFile & $QQ & " " & _ ; Use pdf2dsc to find out the number of pages. E.g. %%Pages: 1
				$QQ & $tempname & "info.dsc" & $QQ
	_RunDos("pdf2dsc " & $Command)
	$Command = OpenFileAndGrep($tempname & "info.dsc", "%%Pages:")
	If FileExists($tempname & "info.dsc") Then FileDelete($tempname & "info.dsc") ; Delete dsc file
	If Not $Command Then Return(0); The supplied file is not a pdf file, in order to skip this file, the amount of 0 pages will be returned
	Return(Number(StringReplace($Command, "%%Pages: ", "")))

; Opens a file and returns a line which contains a grep alike specified keyword
Func OpenFileAndGrep(Const $OFAG_path,Const $OFAG_query)
	Local $OFAG_file = FileOpen($OFAG_path,0)
	Local $OFAG_result = FileRead($OFAG_file)

	If $OFAG_result = "" Then ; If string is empty, return empty string as well
		Local $OFAG_q = ""
		Local $OFAG_stdinArray = StringSplit($OFAG_result, @LF, 1) ; put read data, separated by LineFeed characters, in an array
		Local $OFAG_i
		For $OFAG_i In $OFAG_stdinArray
			If StringInStr($OFAG_i,$OFAG_query) Then
				$OFAG_q &= $OFAG_i
	return $OFAG_q

; Cleanup temporary files in $TempDir, but only if no other instances of this program are running.
Func GarbageControl(Const $ThisProgramName)
	Local $i
	Local $count = 0
	Local $list = ProcessList()
	For $i = 1 to $list[0][0]
		If $list[$i][0] = $ThisProgramName & ".exe" Then $count = $count+1
	If $count == 1 Then
		If FileExists(@TempDir & "\" & $ThisProgramName & "*") Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & $ThisProgramName & "*") ; Delete temporary files

; Check MS dependencies and set environment variables for Imagemagick, Ghostscript
Func CheckAndSetEnv()
	If Not Find_MS_Visual_C_PlusPlus_2008_SP1_Redist() Then ShowError($_ERROR_MSVisualCPlusPlus2008RedistNotInstalled)
	If Not FileExists(Find_imagemagick_Path("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current","BinPath") & "\ImageMagickObject.dll") Then ShowError ($_ERROR_Need_ImageMagickObject_OLE)
;	If Not FileExists(@SystemDir & "\ImageMagickObject.dll") Then FileInstall("ImageMagickObject.dll",@SystemDir&"\ImageMagickObject.dll",0)
	If Not EnvPathExists(Find_Ghostscript_Path($Ghostscript_RegPath,"GS_LIB")) Then SetEnvPath(Find_Ghostscript_Path($Ghostscript_RegPath,"GS_LIB")) ; Check if gs path should be added to %PATH% if it's not there already
	If Not EnvPathExists(Find_imagemagick_Path($imagemagick_RegPath,"BinPath")) Then SetEnvPath(Find_imagemagick_Path($imagemagick_RegPath,"BinPath")) ; Check if imagemagick path should be added to %PATH% if it's not there already
;	If Not ObjectIsRegistered("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImageMagickObject.MagickImage\CurVer", "") Then RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c regsvr32 /s MagickObject.dll",@SystemDir,@SW_HIDE)

; Find Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package
Func Find_MS_Visual_C_PlusPlus_2008_SP1_Redist()
	Local $var
	$var = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\D20352A90C039D93DBF6126ECE614057","PackageCode")
	If @error <> 0 Or $var == "" Then Return False
	Return True

; This function makes sure that the to be added $EnvironmentVariablePath is only added once to the environment path. For this it differentiates between Ghostscript and ImageMagick
Func SetEnvPath(Const $EnvVarApplication)
	If StringRight(EnvGet("PATH"),1) <> ";" Then EnvSet("PATH",EnvGet("PATH") & ";") ; Add a ; separator between path if it's not there already
	Local $i
	Local $SplitEnvVarApplication = StringSplit($EnvVarApplication,";")
	If @error == 1 Then
		EnvSet("PATH", EnvGet("PATH") & $EnvVarApplication)
		For $i = 1 To $SplitEnvVarApplication[0]
			If Not StringInStr(EnvGet("PATH"),$SplitEnvVarApplication[$i]) Then EnvSet("PATH", EnvGet("PATH") & $SplitEnvVarApplication[$i] & ";")

; This function checks whether the (part of the) $EnvVarApplication already exists in the %PATH% environment.
Func EnvPathExists(Const $EnvVarApplication)
	Local $i
	Local $found = True
	Local $SplitEnvVarApplication = StringSplit($EnvVarApplication,";")
	If @error == 1 Then
		If StringInStr(EnvGet("PATH"), $EnvVarApplication) Then Return $found ; The delimiter character ; had not been found
			For $i = 1 To $SplitEnvVarApplication[0]
				If Not StringInStr(EnvGet("PATH"),$SplitEnvVarApplication[$i]) Then $found=False ; One or more applications in the path had been found
	Return $found

; Find Ghostscript Path
Func Find_Ghostscript_Path(Const $Ghostscript_RegHive, Const $Ghostscript_EnvKey)
	Local $var
	Local $var_read
	Local $i = 1
	Local $GhostscriptVersion
	Local $GhostscriptPath
	Local $GhostscriptFound = False
	Local $GhostscriptPathFound = False

	While 1
		$var = RegEnumKey($Ghostscript_RegHive, $i)
		If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
			If StringRegExp($var,"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") Then
				$GhostscriptVersion = String($var)
				$GhostscriptFound = True
		$i += 1

	$i = 1
	If $GhostscriptFound Then
		While 1
			$var = RegEnumVal($Ghostscript_RegHive & "\" & $GhostscriptVersion, $i)
			If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
				If $var == $Ghostscript_EnvKey Then
					$GhostscriptPath = RegRead($Ghostscript_RegHive & "\" & $GhostscriptVersion, $Ghostscript_EnvKey) & ";"
					$GhostscriptPath &= StringRegExpReplace($GhostscriptPath, "(?i)(.*)(c:\\.*)lib;.*", "$2bin") ; Add also the ghostscript bin path
					$GhostscriptPathFound = True
			$i += 1
	If $GhostscriptPathFound Then
		Return $GhostscriptPath
		ShowError ($_ERROR_CannotFindGhostscript)

; Find imagemagick Path
Func Find_imagemagick_Path(Const $imagemagick_RegHive, Const $imagemagick_EnvKey)
	Local $var
	$var = RegRead($imagemagick_RegHive,$imagemagick_EnvKey)
	If @error <> 0 Or $var == "" Or StringInStr($var,$imagemagick_name) == 0 Then ShowError ($_ERROR_imagemagickNotInstalled)
	Return $var

; Find if object is already registered
Func ObjectIsRegistered(Const $Obj_RegHive, Const $Obj_Key)
	Local $var
	$var = RegRead($Obj_RegHive,$Obj_Key)
	If @error <> 0 Or $var <> "ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1" Then Return False
	Return True

; Cancel button had been pressed. A few cleanup steps should take place.
Func CancelButton()
	If FileExists($tempname & "*") Then FileDelete(AddSlash(@TempDir) & $tempname & "*") ; Delete temporary files

; Show related error, try to terminate program properly
Func ShowError(Const $_ERROR_Number)
	Switch $_ERROR_Number
;		Case $_ERROR_MissingImageMagickObject
;		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"ImageMagickObject cannot be registered." & _
;							"Maybe it is already registered.")
		Case $_ERROR_PdfInputFileIsNotValid
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"Supplied PDF file is invalid." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Please check your pdf file.")
		Case $_ERROR_ShowHelp
		MsgBox(0,"Help",	$Gui_Title & " v" & $ThisProgramVersion & @CRLF & _
							"Written by Marc Nijdam, Feb. 2010" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Usage:" & @CRLF & _
							StringRegExpReplace(@ScriptName, "(?i)(.*)(\.)(au3|exe)(.*)", "$1$4 ") & "<inputfile1> [<inputfile 2> ... <inputfile n>]"& @CRLF & _
							"[...] is optional"& @CRLF & _
							"Resolution is: " & $resolution & "dpi" & @CRLF & _
							"Resolution can be added optionally within the filename")
		Case $_ERROR_PdfImageSizeTooLarge
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"Image size of PDF file is too large." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Processing would not make much sense.")
		Case $_ERROR_CannotFindGhostscript
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"Ghostscript is not installed." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Please go to:" & @CRLF & _
							"" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"From there, download and install Ghostscript.")
		Case $_ERROR_imagemagickNotInstalled
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"ImageMagick is missing." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Please go to:" & @CRLF & _
							"" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"From there, download the Q16-windows-dll version." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Make sure the installation option " & $QQ & "Install ImageMagickObject" & @CRLF & _
							"OLE Control for VBscript, Visual Basic, and WSH." & $QQ & " is enabled.")
		Case $_ERROR_MSVisualCPlusPlus2008RedistNotInstalled
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 is not available." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"Please go to:" & @CRLF & _
							"" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"From there, download and install vcredist_x86.")
		Case $_ERROR_PDF_FileInconsistent
		MsgBox(0,"Error", 	"The current processed pdf file contains some errors." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
							"To prevent further bad results, you could" & @CRLF & _
							"try to open the file with a pdf viewer and" & @CRLF & _
							"print from there to a pdf file to get a" & @CRLF & _
							"new and more consistent pdf file.")
		Case Else
		MsgBox(0,"Error", "Error number: " & String($_ERROR_Number))
Alternatively, when not found, click here: vcredist_x86.exe
software/pdfprocessing/pdf2tif_300dpi.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/14 00:07 by admin