How to add a new wireless card
This page describe how to add a new wireless card to your system.
Using the frontend
Open “Control Panel” and select “PC/CF Cards”.
If the card is not recognized, open “Assign Driver” from “Card” menu.
Select a driver from drop down list, click OK and wait some seconds until the driver is loaded.
If you see “State: ready” and “Driver: <your selected driver>” you successfully installed the new card.
Without the frontend
For example purposes, the card being referenced will be an ORIGO Wireless Compact Flash Card.
First of all, put the card into the CF slot (or PCMCIA if you have a CF-PCMCIA adapter).
Next, get yourself to a shell prompt, and become root.
Issue a cardctl ident command, your output should be something like this:
Socket 0:
product info: "WLAN", "11Mbps_PC-Card_3.0", "ISL37100P", "Eval-RevA"
manfid: 0x000b, 0x7100
function: 6 (network)
Socket 1:
no product info available
What we are interested in is the manfid: 0x000b, 0x7100 line.
cp /etc/pcmcia/config /root/config-pcmcia.orig
card "Origo 802.11 Wireless Adapter"
manfid 0x000b, 0x7100
bind "orinoco_cs"
cp ./ /etc/pcmcia/config
(If prompted, say yes to overwrite the existing config file)
Now, we need to restart the PCMCIA subsystem:
/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart